Andhra Energy Minister Iterates Plans To Purchase of 7000 MW of Solar Energy Through SECI
- Andhra Pradesh energy Balineni Srinivasa Reddy has actually duplicated his federal government's strategies to obtain 7000 mega watts (MW) of solar energy from the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) to make sure totally free power to 18 lakh farmers for 9 hours up until 2046.
That would appear to indicate materials beginning this year for the following 25 years. The acquisitions, as reported before, are at a price of Rs 2.49 each, consisting of parts from the solar production linked tenders of SECI potentially. Remarkably, the price matches the bids the state had gotten in its own auctions, subsequently terminated. That makes it a politically appropriate alternative for the state as well.
The transfer to acquire power by the Andhra federal government comply with the termination of its own prepare for solar tenders of 6.4 GW, after it challenged solar tenders granted previously. The energy is suggested to power the state's green hallway for its farmers, to supply them with power for farming, for at least 9 hrs in a day completely free. The state had actually prepared to establish 10 GW of solar projects on its own.
"There will be absolutely no problem on existing Discoms for purchasing this power and all the cost will be birthed by Government of AP. This plan features an ISTS waiver for 25 years contrasted to establishing the project in AP where main grid charges will certainly have to be paid for 25 years," claimed Reddy.
The minister also declared that the central federal government is providing exemption of main grid costs for power from outside the state.
The quantum of purchase will certainly be determined by Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (APERC) based on the Electricity Act.
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