America's largest HCPV solar producing plant has new owners
- Whetstone Power LLC as well as the sustainable framework arm of investment firm Rosemawr Management LLC have recently obtained a 30-MW high-concentration photovoltaic or pv (HCPV) solar energy terminal in Colorado with plans for a future modification.

The obtained facility is located in Alamosa and is offering power to Public Service Company of Colorado, a subsidiary of Xcel Energy Inc (NASDAQ: XEL). At the time of its commissioning in 2012, the plant was the largest of its kind in the world, however, since then a couple of bigger installations were finished. Still, it continues to be biggest in the United States.
In August 2016, Korea Electric Power Corp (KRX:015760), or KEPCO, consented to buy the Alamosa facility from designer Cogentrix Energy Power Management LLC.
Following its second possession transfer, the plant will certainly be operated by Whetstone Power Operations and in the long-term, its new owners will be looking to replace the existing HCPV systems with common solar photovoltaic (PV) modules, possibly also linked to an energy storage facility.
The procurement announcement discusses FTI Capital Advisors as sell-side advisor to the project but does not discuss the seller.
According to the website of the US Department of Energy, which released a USD-90.6-million (EUR 89.4 m) finance assurance in September 2011 to fund the particular project, it has actually left its portfolio in June 2022.
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