Alliant Energy Corporation announces additional 1 gigawatt of solar capacity in the Badger State by 2023

Nov 5, 2019 07:02 PM ET
  • Alliant Energy Corp. uncovers its “Powering What’s Next” draft. This long-lasting project is aimed at faster shifting to green energy in Wisconsin.
Alliant Energy Corporation announces additional 1 gigawatt of solar capacity in the Badger State by 2023
Image: Flickr - Wayne National Forest

The project will be based on Alliant Energy’s key principles: green energy; consumer choice; utilizing power in a smarter way; community participation and transition to a clean fuel. 

The first stage of the plan is going to be extra 1 gigawatt of solar power generation in Wisconsin. The announced power capacity is expected to be reached in four years. This extra solar capacity is estimated sufficient to supply electricity to over 250,000 houses with regard to Alliant Corp.’s solar plants installed within its operating area statewide. 

Alliant is going to install its first community solar farm within the framework of global “Powering What’s Next” project in Fond du Lac Co., Wisconsin. It will be started next year. 

Head of the corporation underlines that the company’s goal is creating new clean energy facilities and thus making the future for the next generations more optimistic. 

Alliant’s global plan will allow the utility’s clients get 100% of the power they use from green energy sources. Besides, they will get an opportunity to take part in a special PV panel program by renting their home roofs for solar systems of about 200 kilowatt capacity.