Alinta's $100M+ Big Battery for Western Australia
- Alinta Energy is making progress towards a $100 million 100 MW/200 MWh big battery in southwest Western Australia. Co-located with a 380 MW gas and diesel-fired power plant, it is expected to support the SWIS and back-up energy capacity when needed. Shanghai Electric Power Design Institute and Sunterra will be responsible for delivering the battery. BlackRock and Eku Energy are investing up to $1 billion and $400 million respectively in big battery projects in Australia.
Australian electricity generating and gas retailing private firm Alinta Energy is making progress towards the development of a 100 MW/200 MWh big battery in southwest Western Australia. The project is slated for commissioning in the second half of 2024, with a cost of $100 million. Alinta Energy's 380 MW gas and diesel-fired power plant at Wagerup will be co-located with the 100 MW two-hour BESS (Battery Energy Storage System). It is expected to support the main grid, called the South-West Interconnected System (SWIS), while also providing energy to back-up capacity when needed. Shanghai Electric Power Design Institute (SEPD) and Sunterra, an Australian solar and battery installer, will be responsible for delivering the battery. Additionally, American investment conglomerate BlackRock has proposed to invest $1 billion in big energy battery projects in Australia, while Eku Energy is building the Big Canberra Battery project with a cost of up to $400 million.
What Progress Has Alinta Energy Made Towards its 100 MW/200 MWh Battery?
Progress Made by Alinta Energy Towards its 100 MW/200 MWh Battery:
- Construction of the project is slated for completion in the second half of 2024 with a cost of $100 million.
- Co-location of the project with Alinta Energy's 380 MW gas and diesel-fired power plant at Wagerup.
- The 100 MW two-hour BESS (Battery Energy Storage System) is expected to support the main grid, called the South-West Interconnected System (SWIS) as well as back-up capacity when needed.
- Shanghai Electric Power Design Institute (SEPD) and Sunterra, an Australian solar and battery installer will be responsible for delivering the battery.
- American investment conglomerate BlackRock has proposed to invest $1 billion in big energy battery projects in Australia.
- Construction of the Big Canberra Battery project with a cost of up to $400 million by Eku Energy.
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