ABF Breaks Ground: Tucson's 1-GWh Battery Factory

Oct 27, 2023 02:51 PM ET
  • ABF's 1-GWh battery cell plant promises 1,000 jobs and $1.2 billion investment to Pima County's Aerospace Research Campus.
ABF Breaks Ground: Tucson's 1-GWh Battery Factory

American Battery Factory (ABF) has broken ground on its planned 1-GWh battery cell plant in Tucson, Arizona. ABF is investing $1.2 billion into the 2 million square-foot factory that promises to bring 1,000 jobs to Pima County's Aerospace Research Campus. The factory will focus on energy storage innovation and utilize rapid modular construction to have the headquarters, R&D center and initial factory module built by 2025. ABF President John Kem said the company is “honored to implement our company’s mission of global energy independence in Arizona” and looks forward to “enhancing Pima County’s growing economy by fostering innovation while attracting and retaining residents to Tucson.”

What Benefits Will ABF's $1.2B Battery Cell Plant Bring to Tucson?

  • ABF's battery cell plant will bring 1,000 jobs to the Pima County's Aerospace Research Campus.
  • This $1.2 billion factory will focus on energy storage innovation and utilize rapid modular construction, with the R&D center and initial factory module built by 2025.
  • The factory will provide an economic boost to the area in the form of new jobs and increased tax revenue.
  • The plant will be located on a 2 million square-foot campus, with the potential to expand in the future if the demand is there.
  • ABF's investment in Arizona will help to diversify the state's economy and attract skilled workers from other industries.
  • Furthermore, the factory will help drive innovation in the energy storage industry, as ABF has the potential to make significant developments in this field.