A 200 Electric Buses Tender issued

Dec 26, 2019 04:53 PM ET
  • Over 200 MIDI electric Buses tender in Mumbai has been issued. While issuing the tender, BEST said that the buses will operate between Mumbai and its suburbs.
A 200 Electric Buses Tender issued
Image: saurenergy.com

Brihan- Mumbai Electric Supply and Transport Undertaking invited bids from qualifying companies to supply about 200 electric powered buses in Mumbai and its suburbs. The selected companies will help in supplying carriage services for public transport for the buses in Mumbai and its environs. 

The operator will sign a contract of about 132 months to operate the electric buses in the city. 

The bidders will be expected to quote how much they will charge on Rs per Kilometer. The buses will be expected to do a minimum of 4200 km. While quoting the price, they need to take into consideration expenses such as the cost of electricity, the cost of managing the fleet, drivers' pay, and the cost of electricity. They will also need to consider the cost of the buses, and incentives to the electric buses. Other things they will factor include the charging infrastructure, maintenance of the buses and the cost of replacing the battery. Generally, they will be expected to consider the cost of running the buses in the contract period in Rs per kilometer according to the GCC rate. 

The latest date the applicants should submit their bids is on the 7th of January 2020. The date for opening the techno-commercial bids is scheduled 9th January while the technically cleared bids will be opened on the 10th of January.  Meanwhile, the bidders will be expected to deposit Rs 50 Lakh on the submission of the application.