€280m Refinance: 500MW Mula Solar Farm
- Qualitas Energy has completed a €280m refinancing operation on the 500MW Mula photovoltaic solar plant in Spain. BBVA, EDC, DekaBank, Unicaja and Bankinter participate in the "Green Loan Principles" classified loan. Qualitas is a leader in renewable energy investment and management since 2006.

Qualitas Energy has successfully completed a €280m refinancing operation on the 500MW Mula photovoltaic solar plant in the Region of Murcia, Spain. Five banks with experience in structured finance in the renewable sector, namely: BBVA; EDC; DekaBank; Unicaja; and Bankinter, participated in the refinancing of the asset's debt. Additionally, the loan was classified as “green” according to the “Green Loan Principles” established by the Loan Market Association. The refinancing marks an important milestone for Qualitas as they continue to implement their risk management and mitigation strategy for their portfolio since their founding in 2006. This operation reinforces their position as leaders in renewable energy investment and management.
What Impact Has Qualitas' €280m Refinancing Had?
- Qualitas Energy has become a leader in renewable energy investments and management since its founding in 2006.
- By successfully completing the €280m refinancing of the 500MW Mula photovoltaic solar plant in the Region of Murcia, Spain, Qualitas has reaffirmed its position in the renewable energy sector.
- The loan was classified as “green” according to the Loan Market Association’s “Green Loan Principles”, making it the first solar asset in Spain to receive such classification.
- The €280m refinancing of the Mula photovoltaic solar plant has resulted in Qualitas obtaining a cheaper debt financing, with a longer repayment period, and a higher margin of profitability.
- The successful refinancing operation has enabled Qualitas to implement their risk management and mitigation strategy, by diversifying their sources of funding and increasing the security of the asset.
- The operation also secured Qualitas’ operations in the renewable energy sector, enabling it to continue to invest and manage renewable energy assets.
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