
Engie activates French PV plant
12MW installation has been designed to be largely obscured by trees as well as mix into the landscape
Oct 22, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, France, Engie, Europe, PV Power Plant
France supports 341MW of solar projects in most current renewables auction as cost drops 7.4%.
France will assure tariff assistance to 341MW of solar projects adhering to conclusion of an oversubscribed public auction that featured reduced costs compared to previous rounds.
Oct 21, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Markets & Finance News, France, tender, auctions, Europe, auction, self-consumption
'Nuclear power is currently the most costly kind of generation, with the exception of gas peaking plants'
The most up to date edition of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report shows the torpidity of the sector continues. Simply 2.4 GW of brand-new nuclear generation capacity came online last year, compared to 98 GW of solar. The globe's operational nuclear power capacity had declined by 2.1%, to 362 GW, at the end of June.
Sep 24, 2020 // Market Research, France, South Korea, China, United Kingdom, Europe, Asia, North America, Turkey, Russia, United States
An optimistic-- yet sensible-- point of view for sodium batteries
International researchers have evaluated the possibility of sodium-based power storage space and discovered current technical developments have gotten here faster than those for the lithium-ion batteries which have actually been researched for three decades. Issues continue to be, nonetheless, prior to sodium comprises a corresponding alternative to lithium.
Sep 24, 2020 // Technology, Storage, Spain, France, Germany, UK, Europe, Norway, sodium batteries
National lithium-ion battery supply chains placed
Experts at Bloomberg New Energy Finance have actually quantified the impact of markets worldwide. The ranking products a photo of 25 nations and also provides a five-year overview.
Sep 17, 2020 // Markets & Finance News, Storage, USA, Japan, Canada, Sweden, France, Germany, UK, South Korea, China, Europe, Asia, North America, Finland, Bloomberg, Kwasi Ampofo, James Frith
French federal government thinks about cutting pre-2011 FITs
Financial paper Les Echos declares the government is mulling a renegotiation of historical feed-in contracts after the Court of Auditors in 2018 ruled the motivations also charitable.
Sep 17, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Residential, Markets & Finance News, Policy, France, Europe, Xavier Daval, Les Echos, Arnaud Gossement, KilowattSol
Photovoltaic shade for greenhouses
French start-up Solar Cloth has safeguarded a license for a PV shade display for solar greenhouses.
Sep 15, 2020 // Technology, Manufacturing News, Commercial, France, Europe, Start-up, SAS Solar Cloth System
Covid-19 regular round-up: Australian states target green recuperation as France devotes EUR30bn to energy transition
Tidy energy power plants will certainly figure prominently as Queensland and Victoria quote to reset their economic situations for a post-coronavirus globe. France suffered a hit to its new solar deployment figures in the first half of a Covid-hit year yet its next-door neighbor appears to have no such worries.
Sep 14, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Residential, Markets & Finance News, Storage, France, Germany, Australia, Europe, hydrogen, Xavier Daval, Oceania, Solargiga, covid-19
Solar Power Finds Ripe New Market in Crop Protection
Which solar panel works best with which crop? The response to that concern is being looked for in hundreds of farms worldwide.
Sep 10, 2020 // Market Research, USA, Japan, France, Germany, South Korea, China, Europe, Asia, Netherlands, North America, baywa r.e., tata power solar, Ashish Khanna, Stephan Schindele, Sascha KrauseTunker, Maximilian Vorast, Sohini Gupta, Ajit Jain
France desires 6.5 GW of hydrogen capability by 2030
Government ministers Barbara Pompili and also Bruno Le Maire today revealed a national technique for carbon-free hydrogen to the French Association for hydrogen and fuel cells and also various other significant players in the state's hydrogen economic climate.
Sep 10, 2020 // Markets & Finance News, Storage, Solar to Fuel, France, Europe, hydrogen, Barbara Pompili, Bruno Le Maire
Solar is essential to develop the France of 2030
KilowattSol CEO Xavier Daval has actually criticized the absence of references to solar in the French government's post-Covid recuperation strategy, which has designated EUR30 billion to the power shift. The head of the PV technical advisory states solar must become a lot more main to France's critical choices as well as China must not be enabled to preserve its near-monopoly on PV panel manufacturing.
Sep 9, 2020 // Manufacturing News, Markets & Finance News, France, Europe, Xavier Daval, covid-19
France backs green hydrogen as part of EUR30bn green power package
Nearly a third of France's EUR100 billion (US$ 118.2 billion) coronavirus recuperation bundle will certainly be routed towards greener energy policies, as the nation increases expense on hydrogen manufacturing.
Sep 7, 2020 // Markets & Finance News, Solar to Fuel, France, Europe, hydrogen, green hydrogen, covid-19, Enerplan, Jean Castex, Daniel Bour
France commits EUR30 billion to energy change
The French federal government will certainly make use of around EUR9 billion of its brand-new EUR30 billion international investment package to sustain the advancement of a hydrogen economic climate, as part of the country's Covid-19 recovery plan.
Sep 4, 2020 // Markets & Finance News, France, Europe, hydrogen, Enerplan
Machine-learning for PV module cleaning
French researchers have actually established a machine-learning model to clean low-power PV projects and also standalone solar arrays in backwoods separated from the grid.
Sep 3, 2020 // Technology, France, Europe, PV module cleaning
Enel, French PV institute improve heterojunction cell efficiency by 0.37%.
The California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has licensed the effectiveness of the cell, which was made with a standard M2 wafer.
Aug 28, 2020 // Technology, Manufacturing News, France, Enel, Europe, efficiency, heterojunction cell