Solar Markets & Finance News

Central Bank of Brazil wants to buy power through solar leasing
Brazil’s biggest lender has launched three tenders to select solar facilities to supply it with power through leasing. The central bank expects to buy around 4 GWh of electricity per year for the Federal District and another 2 GWh in the states of Goiás and Pará.
Sep 9, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Tariffs, South america, Brazil, ANEEL, Central Bank, Banco do Brasil SA
Colombian renewables auction attracts 53 bids from 27 companies
Canadian Solar, Acciona, Enel, EDF, Solarpack and Trina are among the contenders to develop large scale renewables projects. Some 26 power distributors are participating in the procurement as buyers.
Sep 9, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Canadian Solar, EDF, Enel, Trina, Acciona, Solarpack, National Mining and Energy Planning Unit
Panda Green writes off another $5.6m
The debt saddled renewables project developer has signed off on the sale of two wind farms in Shanxi at a loss of RMB40 million on investment. The sale will contribute up to RMB251.5 million to help pay off the parent company’s debts
Sep 9, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, China, Asia, Panda Green, Changzhou Zhaolian
UNEP: Solar the star of a decade of ‘incredible’ renewables momentum
Solar PV has seen a “meteoric rise” over the past decade, with more capacity installed than any other power source, according to a new report by BloombergNEF and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
Sep 9, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Germany, UK, China, Europe, Asia, bloomberg nef, unep, solar finance, development finance, reports, Inger Anderson
Cambodia tender secures lowest solar power price in Southeast Asia
The Asian Development Bank-backed procurement round attracted 26 bidders for the 60 MW project, according to the development lender. The ADB says the low price secured will persuade neighboring governments to embrace auctions.
Sep 8, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, tender, Asia, Cambodia, Asian Development Bank, Southeast Asia, Siddharta Shah
Panda Green accepts $22.5m hit on sale of 540 MW of solar projects
The heavily indebted developer has cashed in two eight-project portfolios for an immediate $28 million windfall but accepted the sales recognize heavy losses as it continues to try and pay down debt.
Sep 8, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, China, Asia, Panda Green, Shanxi Silu Electricity Engineering Co Ltd, Changzhou Zhaolian Lvchang New Energy Ltd
Comtec ready to swim against the tide by outsourcing manufacturing
While the rest of China’s solar manufacturers take on ever more debt to expand their production lines as fast as possible, Comtec said it is ready to sell off fabs for the right money and will instead focus on project sales and lithium battery and EV business opportunities.
Sep 6, 2019 // Manufacturing News, Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, China, Asia, Comtec, John Yi Zhang
Big money for Turkey’s 500 MW solar factory
With the Turkish government having given Kalyon Enerji another three years to build the 500 MW facility it won a tender to construct with former partner Hanwha Q Cells, Ankara has now committed a $333 million “super incentive” to the fab.
Sep 6, 2019 // Manufacturing News, Markets & Finance News, Asia, Kalyon Enerji, Eren Engur, Hanwha Q Cells, Turkey
Solibro restructuring plan will depend on shareholders
The District Court of Dessau-Roßlau yesterday confirmed self-administered insolvency proceedings have been conducted at the German thin-film CIGS module manufacturer and a provisional administrator has been appointed.
Sep 6, 2019 // Manufacturing News, Markets & Finance News, Germany, Europe, Solibro, thin-film CIGS module, Henning Schorisch
Solar, energy storage, renewables: Where do the top Democratic candidates stand?
On Wednesday, the ten Democratic presidential hopefuls discussed their environment and energy priorities during a televised town hall meeting in New York City.
Sep 5, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Policy, New York City, Cory Booker, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris
Urban Grid lands US$100m funding to help support 5GW PV pipeline
US PV developer Urban Grid has closed a senior secured term loan facility for up to US$100 million with New York-based private credit manager and asset-based lender Crayhill Capital Management LP.
Sep 5, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, USA, North America, crayhill, urban grid, funding
Australia’s Clean Energy Council calls for drastic power market reform
Australia needs to drastically overhaul its power market in order to harness and benefit from the country’s skyrocketing rooftop solar and battery market, according to the Clean Energy Council (CEC).
Sep 5, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Storage, Rooftop PV, Battery Storage, Australia, Oceania, Clean Energy Council, rooftop solar, LRET, David Parker
Pay-as-you-go solar startup receives $5m from EU
PEG Africa, a company offering pay-as-you-go solar to consumers and businesses in West Africa has received a $5 million investment from European Union initiative ElectriFi. The company says it has now secured more than $50 million and plans a major expansion.
Sep 5, 2019 // Markets & Finance News, Engie, Mobisol, PEG Africa, West Africa, ElectriFi, Hugh Whalan
Space age solar solution moves toward production
A consortium of European research institutes has received €10.6 million in EU funding to establish pilot production of a high efficiency module concept developed by Swiss startup Insolight. The module combines high efficiency multijunction cells with a solar concentrator lens and has previously demonstrated 29% efficiency.
Sep 4, 2019 // Manufacturing News, Markets & Finance News, Europe, PV module, European Union, CSEM, Insolight, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Laurent Coulot
BayWa r.e. bolsters digital firepower with PowerHub buy
Renewables firm BayWa r.e. looks set to bolster its digital technology services offering with the acquisition of Toronto-based PowerHub.
Sep 4, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Software, Canada, North America, baywa r.e., entech, digitalisation, powerhub, energy technology, asset intelligence software, Toronto