
RES targets global development approach after finishing sale of France arm
of the equity passion of RES Méditerranée, also known as RES France. That offer has now closed after it was cleared by regulatory
Nov 1, 2021 // Manufacturing News, Q CELLS, RES Group, hanwha solutions corporation
France desires 6.5 GW of hydrogen capability by 2030
government desires 6.5 GW of hydrogen generation capacity by 2030 under the France Relance Covid recuperation strategy. The information were exposed by priest
Sep 10, 2020 // Markets & Finance News, Storage, Solar to Fuel, France, Europe, hydrogen, Barbara Pompili, Bruno Le Maire
Societe Generale's 20-Year Solar Deal Powers Up France
to procure electricity from a solar park being constructed in Arpheuilles, France. The solar farm is expected to be operational in 2026 and will supply between
Apr 30, 2024 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, France, Europe, Societe Generale
Akuo enlists crowdfunding partner for 17MWp floating project in France
can now bankroll the deployment of a large-scale floating solar plant in France, a project by Paris-headquartered Akuo Energy. On Wednesday, the
Oct 3, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Floating PV, France, floating PV, Europe, akuo, Allianz Crowdlending
France's PPE2 Program: 50 MWp Solar in Remote Areas
tender allocates 50 MWp of solar in non-interconnected areas in overseas France under the PPE2 energy procurement programme. The Ministry of Ecological
May 7, 2024 // Plants, France, Europe
France opens up several tenders for 1.6 GW of wind, solar, HPP
MW (individual projects) -- 500 kW-3 MW (community projects) Mainland France November 26, 2021 Ground-mounted solar 700 500 kW-30 MW Mainland
Aug 13, 2021 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, France, tender, Europe, CRE
France secures 339MW in undersubscribed solar auction
federal government to 71 projects in its December 2021 auction. Q Energy France, formerly RES' French division, topped the auction by volume with a solitary
Aug 9, 2022 // Markets & Finance News, France, EDF, tender, Europe, auction, TotalEnergies, Q Energy, GENERALE DU SOLARE
More than 5,000 heaps of modules gathered for recycling in France
PV Cycle recycled more than 280,000 end-of-life photovoltaic panels in France last year. Around 95% of them, PV Cycle stated, will be processed at the
Feb 4, 2020 // Policy, France, Europe, recycling, PV Cycle
ENGIE granted 235MW of wind and also solar tenders in France
consisting of Nouvelle Aquitaine, PACA, Grand Est, Normandy and also Hauts de France. ENGIE renewables executive vice-president Gwénaëlle Avice-Huet
Apr 9, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, France, Engie, tender, Europe
ReneSola Joins Consortium Developing 30 MW Solar Plant in France
a consortium to establish a large ground-mounted solar plant in the south of France. The plant is expected to create 46 GWh, and also supply electrical energy to
Jun 11, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, France, pv power plants, Europe, renesola, Yumin Liu, International, Projects, Josef Kastner, Aups, Tenergie
Credit Agricole Commits to 20-Year Solar PPA in France
(PPA) with JP Energie Environnement to buy the output of two solar parks in France. This is Credit Agricole's first long-term deal for the purchase of green
Feb 12, 2024 // Plants, France, Europe, Credit Agricole
Boralex Indications a New Renewable Power Purchase Agreement, to Benefit IBM France
leader and also the biggest independent manufacturer of onshore wind power in France, will supply IBM with sustainable power, equal to 55% of the yearly intake of
Apr 30, 2021 // Markets & Finance News, France, Europe, Renewable Electricity, Boralex, IBM, renewable power, Nicolas Wolff, Jay Paidipati
Engie, partners reduced ribbon on 20.3-MWp PV park in Ile-de-France
along with the Intercommunal Syndicate for Gas and Electricity in Ile-de-France (SIGEIF) and also the community of Marcoussis, located in the southerly
Oct 5, 2021 // Plants, France, Engie, Europe, Solar Park
One more PPA for large scale solar in France
has actually protected its 4th offer for an unsubsidized solar plant in France. The French designer will provide energy generated at two solar plants with a
Jun 10, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, France, Voltalia, Europe, Sébastien Clerc
Macquarie Acquires France based Reden Solar for $2.7 Billion
a significant development in the RE field, France's independent power producer (IPP) Reden Solar has been acquired by a consortium led by Macquarie Asset
Mar 9, 2022 // Markets & Finance News, Rooftop PV, France, Greece, Italy, Europe, Benelux, Eurazeo, Infravia, Macquarie Asset Management, Stephane Brimont, Reden Solar, Thierry Carcel, British Columbia Investment Management Corporation, MEAG